Have you ever imagined yourself going for a dip with the express aim of putting yourself within biting distance as you can see the toenails of a hungry man-eater crocodile and swim with it?

In Oudtshoom, South Africa, anyone has become able to swim with these predator crocodiles without being frightened. It isn’t expensive at all as for only 30 $, anyone can wear his/her swimming trunks or bikinis and snorkeling gear and enjoy swimming in a reinforced steel cage to enjoy swimming with killer crocodiles but for only ten minutes. But there is a minimum age of 12 and children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult during the dive. 
Kerry Shaw, 28, a South African media executive, one of those who have taken the plunge said “”I was a little nervous but very excited to get into the water,” “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a chance I didn’t want to miss out on”.
“The cage with the diver is simply maneuvered as close as possible to the crocodiles to give you a close up encounter with these super predators.”
By M.Awara in Weird & Strange, News